I thought I'd share a few pictures of some of my other things I make. Saturday was our Craft Show at the church. It was not as good as the one last year. But I did alright and plus I love the fellowship. These are all that is left of my "Raggedy Fran's" I make. I sold one, her name was Vivian Viola. And I know the lady who bought her, so she went to a good home! The very grubby prim bunny on the left side is made from two men's shirts I thrifted! I named her "Marigold". I put a few marigolds from my yard in her little pouch. The bunny on the right side is the first ever "Raggedy Fran" I made!! She is from vintage material.
As you know me by now I love the primitive, grubby, and grungey look. Here are my "Barn Kats". I sold one of them. They are really cute and have a little hand sewn vase on their cheek with sweet annie in them! The two faces I call "olde raggedy" and they are very prim!!
These are my Christmas ornies. As you can see they are very grubby too. The Santa faces are about 6x3 inches, and are made out of grubbied up flannel. The little Santa hats are 4 inches long by 3 inches at the bottom. The love material I made some of them out of is retro and I got it at an estate sale. Oh how I love the estate and church sales to find unique material.
Here are my primitive hand-sewn candy canes. They are sewn out of red ticking like material and tyed with strips of Kaitlin's old prom dress! By now you probably know I use anything and everything!! LOL They are 7 inches long.
Below are my prim stockings. I have more of these. The cream colored ones are made out of grubby flannel with cutter quilt pieces around the top, and the other one is from grubby camo flannel. They are 18 inches long. This one has fuzzy fur like trim. I have one I made with black trim from my friends jacket sleeve she cut off! She got a laugh out of it. But that's why she gives it to me. She knows I'll eventually use it!!
And I wanted to show you how that same friend of mine who was running our cafe' presented her home-made from scratch carrot cakecups! The little grubby doily under the vintage glass tea cup is one I primmed up.

One of my favorite things I did at the show was bartering!! This lady who makes really cool hand made soaps that comes every year, came over and asked if I ever bartered and if I wanted to! Of course I did!! Alot of my things are one of a kind. She got two of my prim jars I recycled into sewing pin cushions on the top, and had prim clothes pins and smaller flowers I hand sewed in them. I found these cool jars in my barn and the rims were all rusty for me!! Maybe now you know why I call myself the bagglady! LOL You never know what I'll find or I'll come up with next!! So if anyone sees something here they would like to barter with me for, just let me know!! Or something you want to buy! Oh I have more goodies in the making! AND the room is all painted "macaroni"!! It's sunny and yellow and I love it!!! The computer is back in place and sitting on my husbands old desk from his Navy days. Now the fun begins!!! Decorating, but I also have to organize!! Both fun things to do!!! XO Fran.