Are you getting ready yet?
I have been making these cute little Christmas Mice Pin Cushions!! This one is upcycled from a red cashmere sweater that had a hole in it. I hand sewed the whole thing. I love making the sweet little pins in it too. Brooke had all these beads so I thought I'd put them to good use. This little sweety is listed in my Etsy Shoppe.
Along with these two Mice. These are made from warm n natural and grubbied up with my special mixture. They smell yummy. They also have sweet pins in them that I made. I've got another red one to list tonight. I am also whipping up some Crow Hangers for Christmas. I am in the Christmas mood which is super duper amazing for me!!! Thinking of new things to make and what baked goods I would love to make for the season.
We will be having a homemade Christmas this year as our funds are very low. I believe that is really getting me in the spirit and making it seem more fun!! Tonight is trick or treating. Waiting for my neighbors little kids to come and show me their costumes!! They are so adorable. I remember when their Mama use to come and show me hers!! I love it!! And I am also off to make Banana Bread!! Have a great and safe night.
XOXO Love ya, Fran.